Drying a wood chip pile
Problem encountered
The objective of the drying test performed on a chip bin was to understand the drying mechanism, to validate the importance of the process and to quantify its impact on a large industrial plant. Nonetheless, mere measurings do not provide sufficient data for theoretical understanding. Extrapolation is not possible without understanding the mechanisms, and without models validation it would lack precision.
- To provide the data required to explain the drying mechanism of a wood chip pile,
- To reproduce the measured drying time,
- To forecast the drying time, the average rate and the drying distribution according to the thickness of the pile and to the air-flow blowing conditions,
- To provide quantitative data for the technical and economic study included in the project.
- Using a wood chip drying model from the recent literature,
- Introducing this specific model into a 3D model of air, vapour and heat flows into the chip bin,
- Using a simplified model to study the impact of thickness, temperature and air-flow blowing rate on the result.
Drying front within the tested container. Air is injected at the bottom. The blue area corresponds to a humidity level below 15%, and the red area to a humidity level close to the initial value of 35%
Humidity curve according to the height within the pile, for different blowing times |